In Ep. 5 of the Project Schola Podcast, host John Trevor Berger welcomes Ann Hartle—Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Emory University—for an intriguing dis...
We hope you enjoy the pilot episode of our latest endeavor—featuring co-hosts Brian Murphy and John Trevor Berger—the Project Schola Podcast! We’ve ha...
An insightful exchange between Dr. Wolfgang Smith and Dr. Matthew Segall, host of Footnotes2Plato. Wolfgang and Matt discuss A. N. Whitehead’s critique of...
Karen Wong had us back once again on The Meaning Code for a second meeting with John Vervaeke. In this probing philosophical discussion, Dr. Smith and Dr. Verva...
The first of a fascinating exchange of ideas between Wolfgang Smith and John Vervaeke at Karen Wong’s The Meaning Code the other day. Dr. Smith and Dr. V...
Wolfgang Smith Editor’s Note: This article is also available in Portuguese language translation. Lord Kelvin made a crucially important point when he declar...
Ali Sebetci The late English philosopher R. G. Collingwood (1889-1943) argues in his influential book, The Idea of Nature, that there have been three periods of...
Wolfgang Smith We have spoken at length of the “tripartite cosmos” as envisaged in the sapiential traditions of mankind,1 which relegates the corporeal wo...
Wolfgang Smith From time immemorial mankind has presumed that we do look out upon the world: that the objects we perceive are not in fact “mental,” but “r...
Raphael De Paola The subject of change and motion has always baffled the human mind, arousing many seemingly unanswerable questions. Depending on the answers gi...
Bruno Bérard A—perhaps non-accidental—failure to distinguish linguistically between reason (dianoia, ratio) and intelligence (noûs, intellectus) has given...
John Trevor Berger A key element of Wolfgang Smith’s thought—failure of which to grasp will forever inhibit one from understanding what makes his work so gr...
Wolfgang Smith Editor’s Note: Originally presented as the Templeton Lecture on Christianity and the Natural Sciences at Gonzaga University in 1998, and ...