In this segment (Part 2 of Ep. 2), co-hosts Brian Murphy and John Trevor Berger continue their discussion with Prof. Raphael De Paola (Dept. of Physics, PUC-Rio...
Wolfgang Smith Following the epochal discovery of quantum mechanics,1 foundational physics has gradually morphed into the forbidding discipline of “particle...
Ali Sebetci It is well known that the modern conception of science is fundamentally different from the traditional. What makes science modern, moreover, is its ...
Raphael De Paola According to Wolfgang Smith, modern physics has discovered a unique, hitherto unknown ontological plane, namely the aforementioned “physical...
Wolfgang Smith Following Galileo, Descartes and Newton, Western civilization succumbed to the spell of what I have termed horizontal causation. From the publica...
Bruno Bérard A—perhaps non-accidental—failure to distinguish linguistically between reason (dianoia, ratio) and intelligence (noûs, intellectus) has given...