Continuing our in-house publishing venture to bring you the Collected Works of Wolfgang Smith, the third, PSI edition of Theistic Evolution: The Teilhardian Heresy is now available!
The heady amalgam of Science and Christianity posited by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin—which struck the Catholic world like a whirlwind around the time of the Second Vatican Council and whose influence continues, however stealthily, to the present day—has rendered Catholics vulnerable to various heretical and heterodox tenets. This ideology clad in scientific garb is what Wolfgang Smith takes to task in the detailed and rigorous argument of this book—originally published in 1988 as Teilhardism and the New Religion. In addition to his definitive refutation of Teilhard’s “science-fiction theology,” the author reintroduces vital metaphysical and theological truths of the Greek and Latin Fathers to a contemporary audience.
“Wolfgang Smith is as important a thinker as our times boast.”
—Huston Smith, Professor of Philosophy and author of The World’s Religions
The book is now available in paperback and deluxe hardcover at the PSI Shop. Coming soon to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other booksellers.