Christian Gnosis: Available Now

19 November 2024 , ,

Continuing our in-house publishing venture to bring you the Collected Works of Wolfgang Smith, the third, PSI edition of Christian Gnosis: From Saint Paul to Meister Eckhart is now available!

Basing himself principally upon the teachings of Saint Paul and the Clementine Stromata, Wolfgang Smith distinguishes the idea of gnosis in nascent Christianity from its Gnostic counterfeit. After his initial considerations of the implications of authentic gnosis for cosmology—intimately connected to his work in the philosophy of physics—he finds the same considerations have bearing upon the theological notion of creatio ex nihilo as well. This crucial recognition leads the author to consider alternative formulations within the Judeo-Christian tradition, from Christian Kabbalah to Jacob Boehme and Meister Eckhart. What emerges are the outlines of a “Trinitarian nondualism” definitive of Christian gnosis.

“Wolfgang Smith brings to his writing a rare combination of qualities and experiences, not the least his ability to move freely between the somewhat arcane worlds of science and traditional metaphysics.”
Harry Oldmeadow, Coordinator of Philosophy & Religious Studies, La Trobe University

The book is now available in paperback and deluxe hardcover at the PSI Shop. Coming soon to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other booksellers.