Wolfgang Smith Editor’s Note: The first installment of a three-part critique of modernity, the following was originally published in Cosmos & Transc...
Ali Sebetci It is well known that the modern conception of science is fundamentally different from the traditional. What makes science modern, moreover, is its ...
Raphael De Paola According to Wolfgang Smith, modern physics has discovered a unique, hitherto unknown ontological plane, namely the aforementioned “physical...
Dr. Wolfgang Smith discusses his most recent insights on physics, cosmology, philosophy, and his new critique of the physics of Albert Einstein. The Philos-Soph...
Raphael De Paola All corporeal beings can be classified in one of four levels of the following hierarchical order: mineral, vegetable, animal, and human (i.e., ...
Raphael De Paola The subject of change and motion has always baffled the human mind, arousing many seemingly unanswerable questions. Depending on the answers gi...
Wolfgang Smith Following Galileo, Descartes and Newton, Western civilization succumbed to the spell of what I have termed horizontal causation. From the publica...
Bruno Bérard A—perhaps non-accidental—failure to distinguish linguistically between reason (dianoia, ratio) and intelligence (noûs, intellectus) has given...
John Trevor Berger A key element of Wolfgang Smith’s thought—failure of which to grasp will forever inhibit one from understanding what makes his work so gr...
Wolfgang Smith Editor’s Note: Originally presented as the Templeton Lecture on Christianity and the Natural Sciences at Gonzaga University in 1998, and ...
Rick DeLano Welcome to the online home of the Philos-Sophia Initiative, and thanks for coming! The Initiative exists to foster the wider dissemination of, and e...
In preparation for his first-ever extensive on-screen appearance, mathematician / philosopher / physicist extraordinaire Dr. Wolfgang Smith will be granting a s...