From the Prologue to ‘The Vertical Ascent’ (II)

Bruno Bérard

Editor’s Note:  The following is the second of a two-part preview of M. Bérard’s Prologue to Wolfgang Smith’s forthcoming book, The Vertical Ascent: From Particles to the Tripartite Cosmos and Beyond.

Bruno Bérard (b. 1958) received his doctorate in ‘Religions and Thought-Systems’ from the École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris. His area of emphasis is the study of metaphysics in liaison with the teaching of religions, from the perspective of the philosophy of knowledge.
As an editor at L’Harmattan, he has been instrumental in publishing works by Robert Bolton, Jean Borella, Gilbert Durand, Frithjof Schuon, Wolfgang Smith and several other specialists. Dr. Bérard is also an executive manager for international aeronautic groups and gives pro bono assistance in business management to start-ups and small companies.