In Quest of Catholicity: Malachi Martin Responds to Wolfgang Smith (Second Edition)


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In Quest of Catholicity: Malachi Martin Responds to Wolfgang Smith

Second Edition

In a two-year correspondence with Malachi Martin, Wolfgang Smith broaches a wide spectrum of topics, to which Fr. Martin responds in a way that may surprise many readers. What stands at issue is the meaning of authentic Catholicity—of the universality of Catholic truth. Theologians have long been stymied and misled by what Malachi Martin refers to as an “intellectual impasse” that needs to be “deblocked.” Martin and Smith agree on the necessity “to open doors and windows,” not in the name of an aggiornamento, but for the very opposite reason: to rediscover an ancient wisdom, at once theological and cosmological.

About the Author
Wolfgang Smith graduated from Cornell at age eighteen with majors in physics, mathematics, and philosophy. He subsequently contributed a theoretical solution to the re-entry problem for space flight. After taking his doctorate in mathematics at Columbia, he served for thirty years as professor of mathematics at M.I.T., U.C.L.A., and Oregon State University. Smith then devoted himself to correcting the fallacies of scientistic belief, focusing on foundational problems pertaining to quantum theory and visual perception by way of the traditional tripartite cosmology.